Casting With Ceri Jones : Ep. 131 Llyn Clywedog

This weeks episode I head to the hills and visit Llyn Clywedog one of the leading trout waters in the UK. If Clywedog was a football team it would be in the Champions League for sure. Not only is it a well run water it is set in the most majestic surroundings in the Cambrian Mountains. I fished it this week and in this podcast I talk of how we did, successful methods, plus areas to try.

Some big fish are coming out this month, dont miss out on the action.


Casting With Ceri Jones : Ep. 130 Ann Kitchener, Semperfli

This week’s guest I chat with Ann Kitchener a familiar face across social media and at fly-fishing shows around the world. Together with her husband Andy they created Semperfli, one of the most successful UK based businesses making and supplying innovative synthetic materials for fly tying. She tells of how it all started and her passion for the business and plans for the future.


Casting With Ceri Jones : Ep. 129 Signs of Spring

This weeks episode I take a break from my day fishing at Talybont to record this podcast. I had one of my better days there catching 7 stunning wild browns. I chat about my mornings sport plus go on to talk of the many signs at Springtime that will help you when fishing the next few weeks to get you success.


Casting With Ceri Jones : Ep. 128 Ken Kennedy

This week's guest is Scottish International, Ken Kennedy from Orkney. I have wanted to fish Orkney for sometime and decided to give Ken a call to find out more. He tells us how to get there, best time of the year to fish, flies to use and which Lochs are best, such as Harray and Swanney. Enjoy!

Casting With Ceri Jones : Ep. 127 Lucinda Ewin

This week I chat with Lucinda Ewin, and after picking up a fly rod only 6 years ago is now an accomplished salmon fly angler. Although coming from Durham she regularly travels across the border to fish the Tweed and Tay in Scotland. Even though she fishes for trout and grayling also it’s easy to tell just by listening to our chat her passion lies with salmon. She has already caught a couple of spring fish this month and recently has passed her level 2 coaching qualification with the Angling Trust.

Casting With Ceri Jones : Ep. 125 John Graham (Part 2)

Following on from Part 1, John continues his chat telling of his passion for the River Towy. In this episode he also talks about his love for Salmon fishing and the secret behind his success, and his own twist on the Usk Grub. Plus, I have to say one of favourite podcast 'Last Casts'.... a must listen!

Casting With Ceri Jones : Ep. 123 Eye Contact

On opening day this week I visit my local club water, Llyn Fawr, Sport was slow to begin with but eventually a change of tactics brought success. I explain how the importance of eyes added to a fly can increase your chances of catching when things get tough. Plus, other methods which will help your catch rate this month when bank fishing on the reservoirs.

Casting With Ceri Jones : Ep. 123 John Graham (Part 1)

This week I chat with River Towi, sea trout expert, John Graham. I had the pleasure of meeting up with him at his home in Swansea for a chat. He is a mine of information and an innovative angler, ahead of his time. He talks of his stories from when he was a young boy fishing with his brothers when the Towi was full of sea trout and even though he fishes less these days he is still a passionate fly tyer. He also goes on to tell us how the ‘Jambo’ came about. A gentleman and true legend of the sport.

Casting With Ceri Jones : Ep. 122 Chris Hague

This weeks podcast I chat with Yorkshire based Professional Casting Instructor, Chris Hague.  He talks for his passion for casting especially double handed and his guided trips to Iceland for salmon. Also tells us about his fb group he has set up called Spey Worx giving advice and tips for all types of flyfishing.

Casting With Ceri Jones : Ep. 121 Peter Boyle

This week I chat once more with Monaghan angler, Peter Boyle. We chat about Lough Corrib and Sheelin, he tells us how his season was last year and his hopes for this coming year. Talks of his tactics fishing articulated lures, imitating the brickeen for the large browns on Corrib. Buzzer time on Sheelin and damsels, which is often overlooked. Plus goes on to talk of what some would call the cream of fishing , up at dawn fishing the caenis.

Casting With Ceri Jones : Ep. 120 Early Season, Bank or Boat?

This week I headed down to Wimbleball Lake in Exmoor. One of the first reservoirs to open it's doors to anglers this season. I decided to book a boat, but as it happened the fish were all close in on the shore and the bank anglers were having a ball. I talk of how we finally get into fish and the methods which eventually brought us success.  It brought home the fact that early season bank fishing will out fish the boats and as usual early spring, trout will be found close in until the hatches and warmer weather comes.

Casting With Ceri Jones : Ep. 119 Neil O'Shea

This week I had the pleasure of chatting with Neil O’Shea, from Waterville, County Kerry. He comes from a background and family of guides and boatmen going back generations. His surname is synonymous with sea trout and salmon of South West Ireland, notably Lough Currane. He has a wealth of knowledge and experience invaluable to anyone wanting to fish this gem of a lough.

Casting With Ceri Jones : Ep. 118 Where & when to fish this season

In this weeks episode I run through waters which I plan to fish this year and also explain the reasons why and when is the best time to fish them. From Spring through to Autumn, which waters fish best at a particular month depending on conditions, hatches and fish runs. to help you plan your season and not miss out on the action. Waters include Wimbleball, Talybont, Rutland, Lough Corrib, Currane to name just a few. Make the most of this season whether your fishing for trout, sea trout, carp or bass. Hopefully you’ll never hear the words ‘should have been here last month’

Casting With Ceri Jones : Ep. 117 Charles Jardine

This week I had the pleasure of chatting with angling writer and watercolour artist Charles Jardine. He has now moved back to Wales and is keen to get to fish new waters as well as rivers he fished as a boy. We chat about his recent award with the American Fly fishing Hall of fame, a new personal goal he has of getting into oil painting and his continued passion and work for Fishing for Schools.